Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Boat is Gone Excerpt Two

another excerpt from my unfinished novel 'The Boat is Gone" about two new found lovers who chose the wrong vacation day.. a scuba diving excursion.

He cried, spitting out his mouthpiece from between his lips.
She was still below enjoying the rock formations

How could he tell her?
How could he say such a thing to his new found love?

The Boat is Gone
The Boat is Gone

The life together with her, all the warmth, the loving.
It would remain just a dream.
In The last hour of air they both had in their tanks, he would try to live a lifetime.
He knew there was no hope.
He'd seen the map.
No Islands, this was not a heavely boated area of the ocean.

She rose to the surface before him.
She wrapped her arms around and kissed him.

"That salty  kiss is so good" he thought.

He'd only known her in person for a day.
Yet he remembered a life time with her.
Her brasilian accent tickled him so.

He remembered her voice on the computer as a .wav file sent via email.
"Write me" she had implored.
It had echoed in his mind.
If he had never written her back that first time.
They would both be alive tomorrow.

by Brian Ashkin

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